How many times have you submitted your resume to an online job posting that 100% matched your qualifications, but never heard a word back?
How many times have you heard that landing a job is getting hard these days due to a bad economy, bad luck, and outsourcing?
Have you ever thought what is causing the job search so difficult today?
The reality is that more than ever job search has become competitive. What increases this competition is NOT the bad economy or outsourcing. Even if the economy fully recovers tomorrow, the job search still remains competitive.
The competitive job market is the result of one and only one thing: “TECHNOLOGY”!
Technology has complicated the modern job search.
Remember the old days, before the Internet job posting in the late 1990’s?
Do you remember those classified ads in the local newspaper?
In the old days, you found a job ad in the newspaper, mailed your resume and cover letter to the potential employer and then wait for the call for an interview.
This process could take several weeks from the moment you searched on the classified ads until the employer received your resume, reviewed, and got back to you. Obviously, applying for jobs was a time-consuming process. Not everyone could spend time in searching for an appropriate job and applying for every relevant job posting.
How long do you think this process takes today?
Well, you can submit your resume online in a matter of few seconds. The employer receives hundreds or even thousands of resumes for the same job application in a matter of one hour or less!
The convenience of applying for jobs online has drastically increased the competition among candidates.
What is worst is that no longer a “real human” reviews your submitted resume.
Who has time to navigate through thousands of resumes in a day?
The employers and recruiters use the technology again to review and filter the resumes they receive. They use “resume-filtering software (the ATS).”
The ATS software ranks the resumes according to some criteria.
If you don’t know how the resume-filtering software (the ATS) works, your resume gets dumped into a black hole database; no matter how qualified you are for the position you applied.
The problem is that most job seekers have no clue about the resume-filtering software and how it works. They don’t know how to compete in a highly competitive job market. They simply send the same resume to every relevant job posting. There is no wonder why they never hear back for an interview.
This resume filtering software blew my mind when I first heard about it in a one-day seminar with the career expert, Rick Gillis.
Rick has helped many of his clients to bypass the resume-filtering software and get recognized in the large pool of candidates by applying some simple yet effective strategies.
I remember leaving Rick’s seminar with 80 pages of notes! I wish I could attend such a career development/employment workshop way sooner in my career.
That’s why I invited Rick Gillis, a career expert and an award-winning author of 5 books on career development & employment, to reveal the secrets of job search and job promotion. He has been noted and quoted by just about all the major media in the United States.
I would like to invite you to join Rick & I on a LIVE video streaming webcast on Friday, August 11th, 2017, at 11:00 am US Central Time!
I believe everyone needs career advice, job search optimization, and job promotion tips and strategies.
Everyone deserves to land a good job.
Don’t you?
However, most people don’t know the right techniques for job search, online resume submission, winning in every single interview, and getting promoted in their current job position.
I don’t want you to be among one of those people.
No matter whether you are planning to land a new job now or looking for ways to get promoted at your current job, you will learn a ton from Rick Gillis.
Click here to enroll in the webcast and join us live
Honestly, it was NOT easy to get Rick’s agreement for this live webcast. However, since I knew his straightforward and practical job search and promotion strategies could optimize your career development, I followed up with him for a couple of months until he said YES.
I believe you are going to LOVE the strategies that he will share with you in this webcast.
Don’t miss it out. Enroll Now!
We only have 100 spots on our webcast system available and space will fill up really fast so register now to avoid missing out.
You have a chance to ask your questions from Rick during the live webcast. Please submit your questions in advance, during the webcast registration process, to ensure you get the answer to your question.
See you soon,
About the Author, Shohreh Ghorbani
Shohreh is a licensed project management professional (PMP) recognized by Project Management Institute (PMI) and holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering.
Connect with Shohreh via Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube