Have you ever wondered how you can have more exposure & credibility in the area of your expertise?
How to be recognized as a subject matter expert (SME)?
Wouldn’t it be nice to actually add value to the world?
Tough questions, I know.
But I firmly believe that you can add value to the world.
Let me get personal and share my own story on how I found answer to these questions:
Throughout my career in Project Controls, I was struggling to find ways to add tremendous value to my projects, organization, and people around me. All I could do was doing my best in every single project that I was assigned to and delivering with excellence. However, soon I realized that it was not enough.
I came to this realization after I was hit by a car during one of my business trips. I was very lucky that I survived from that accident. That accident could easily mark the end of my journey in this life. However, I am glad that it happened, because I learned a big lesson.
I realized that I could be easily replaced at my work place no matter how super performer I was. My former employer would soon forget me if I left the company or even suddenly died.
I kept asking myself “How can I add more value through my knowledge and expertise?!”
I found the answer when I shared my knowledge online and received amazing feedbacks from people all over the world. I felt going way above the small cubicle of my work place and reaching massive number of people from different corners of this plant.
This made me more committed to adding value to people through online trainings. That’s why I established Project Control Academy to simply add more value to all project control practitioners around the world.
I am glad to inform you that now after short couple of years, Project Control Academy has become the # 1 online platform in teaching project controls and # 1 page on Google for Project Control Training. Furthermore, more and more international organizations are reaching to us to teach their employees globally.
I am sharing all of these to tell you that you can do exactly what I have done by sharing your knowledge and developing an online presence.
Yes, the secret to adding massive value to the world is to share your knowledge “ONLINE” and make a difference.
The world that we are living in is moving more toward “online” presence. Soon, most of our shopping will be online; most of the information that we consume will be online, and most of the trainings will be online.
So, get in the game before it gets too late.
Good news is that I would like to help you achieve that. I want you to have a global exposure. I want your knowledge and expertise to reach millions of people around the globe who are hungry to receive your expert guidance.
Continue reading on if you have the expertise in Project Controls and/or Project Leadership and want to add tremendous value through your knowledge.
Ready for the good news?
Here at Project Control Academy, we have launched the “Project Control Blog Writing Contest”. Participating in this contest will provide you an excellent opportunity to share your expertise in project controls with Project Control professionals around the globe and increase your exposure, credibility, and even traffic back to your profile (or website). On top of that, you will receive great prizes if your blog is ranked among the top 3 blogs submitted for this contest.
Can you add value here?
If you are interested in sharing your expertise in Project Controls with the world, adding tremendous value, and getting rewarded for it, click here and follow the steps to apply.
If your schedule doesn’t allow you to commit to the deadline for this contest but still you are willing to contribute, you can still submit your blog post here. We will take care of all the hastes in sharing your message and making it reach the hands of millions of people.
If you are not interested but know others would benefit for this initiative, I appreciate if you share this post.
About the Author, Shohreh Ghorbani
Shohreh is a licensed project management professional (PMP) recognized by Project Management Institute (PMI) and holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering.
Connect with Shohreh via Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube